November 19, 2004

Quasi Near Brush With Death Experience

I'm in a weird mood today, something I haven't felt before. I get to work this morning and open up my newspaper (because where else should one read the newspaper) to see a front-page article on a double murder here in St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, the fact that two innocent people plus the gunman being dead isn't enough to disturb me... It was the time and place. At about 6 last night, after work, I made a quick run into our local Radio Shack to get a price on a wall-mounted DSL filter for my apartment. After seeing that just the basic ones were $10 more than I was willing to spend (and probably wouldn't have fit with my phone anyways), I ran over to Target to pick up some stuff before going home. Apparently, at 6:45, another gentleman walked in the store and opened fire for reasons not yet known.

It's makes you ponder the Butterfly Effect. How, what seem to be small decisions we make, can have such dramatically different circumstances. What if, as I had originally planned, had I run into the nearby Bealls or TJ Maxx stores or just gone to Target first before stopping off in Radio Shack. Ever get caught by a red light to see the car that was in front of you involved in an accident? (I have, once) Or really, just anything serious that had occurred that a slight change of circumstance may have involved you. Just creepy.

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